Friday, December 12, 2008

Colten Turned 14!

It is so hard to believe that my Sweet Baby Colten is now a smart, athletic, and kind 14 year old young man. Colten turned 14 on November 30th and is an absolute joy to have for a son! He has a heart of gold. Sports and socializing are far more important to him than his school work...however, he has found that the two have a very direct link with one another!

Colten, like many teenagers, is never far from his cell phone. However, with most kids it is for talking or texting...Colten really does not like to do either one! He uses his phone to keep tabs on the Colts standings, watch Football games that aren't being televised, and listen to music!

Colten is literally growing before our eyes. Everyday he makes me stand, with my shoes off, to see if he is taller than his Mom yet. Thank heavens I still have an inch or two on him. He is officially taller than all of his Grandmothers...his greatest joy will be when he finally surpasses me!

I absolutely adore that boy...I could not ask for a finer Son!
(I am working on his slide show...seeing that he is 14 all of his pictures prior to around 2002 are in photo albums. Needless to say, it will take a while to scan them in to the computer and get it all put together! I am working on it--I promise.)

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