Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Riggs!

I cannot believe my Sweet Riggsy is 6 years old today! He had a fun filled birthday party, with lots and lots of boys! They played games, played with balloons, ate pizza, and had cake! It was everything he had wanted it to be!
He was so thrilled to finally be 6!

Riggs has been an absolute joy in the life of everyone that loves him, since the day he was born! His smile can light up a room, his hugs are beyond description, and he has a heart of gold.

He loves being in kindergarten! He has wanted to be in school for a very, very long time. He has lots of friends! He loves Lego's, Lincoln Logs, HotWheels and video games. He loves to cuddle with his mom...and I assure you, I LOVE to cuddle with him!
Happy Birthday Riggs!


Brenda Janda said...

Happy Birthday Riggs. Hope it was great. You are such a sweet Mom Rebekah and a great example to me. Thanks

Beck Dawg said...

Yea! Happy Birthday Riggs! We love you! hope you had a great Birthday and a great Thanksgiving too.