Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jace Turned 10!

It is so hard to believe that my "Baby Jace" turned 10 years old. I think he was more excited about this birthday than any previous. I suppose it is the "double-digit" thing. We were originally supposed to be going on vacation on his birthday and having a birthday party with Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins and friends...but, that just didn't work out this year. However, my amazing son didn't skip a beat--as long as he still got his "date" with Mom and Dad, he was fine. We started this tradition years ago. It was a much less financially straining way to do something fun for the Birthday Child! When you have as many kids as we do...dinner, shopping and movie just isn't always possible with a family of 7.

So for our "Birthday Date" we went to Build-A-Bear (that too has become his yearly birthday wish--he LOVES stuffed animals! HMMM, I cannot begin to imagine where that gene came from...must be John!), grabbed some lunch and went to see the new Transformers movie. When we got home Colten and Haley surprised him with lots of decorations, friends and cake! He really had a great day!

I love this boy so much! He truly brings joy to my life each day. I cannot believe he is 10 years old and going to be in the 4th grade! He is smart and athletic. I think even Colten is envious, at times, at how much natural athletic ability Jace has. More than anything else, I think my favorite thing about Jace is how much he loves me :)! I have the greatest children in the world...I couldn't be more blessed.


Chelsea Albert said...

Maybe he got the stuffed animals thing from grandpa Bruce! We all know Bruce loves his stuffed animals! Jace is such a sweet boy. Love that cutie pie! Happy Birthday Jace!

MJPowell said...

I agree with Chelsea! Bek our father is obsessed with stuffed animals. He even takes them with him when he goes to the hospital!

Heather said...

happy birthday Jace! Youre the cutest kid ever!

Brenda Janda said...

Happy Birthday Jace