Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What a looser! has been almost a month and I haven't posted a single thing. My life is absolutely insane (when is it not??) and I can hardly keep up with it all. So, how about some up-dates!

John turned 40 on April 1st. My dad always thought it was awfully funny that John's birthday was on April Fools Day. Dad and John are pretty good friends, I guess it all worked out. John is getting closer and closer to being done with school! That makes me so happy!!!!! He works pretty hard and I am proud of him.

Colten is officially registered for HighSchool and Freshman Football. That is a little crazy for me.

Haley is going to be in Jr. High next year...that freaks me out a bit too. She is growing up way to quickly. She is absolutely beautiful and a lot of fun.

Jace and Riggs are doing great in school...both are very ready for summer vacation! :) Gage is busy being Gage! He definitely keeps our lives interesting!

We spent Easter in Las Vegas...It was a whirlwind! I will get pictures and details uploaded soon. I have got to run for now--


Chelsea Albert said...

Happy Birthday John!! I missed you guys at Easter! I can't wait to see you in May!! Colton is going into highschool??? What next? a mission?? yikes. Love those kiddos! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! Wow, we both just celebrated BIG birthday's on April 1st. I turned the BIG 30! We sure miss your family. If you ever have a get-together or school function we can visit your family we sure would love to!

Trent and Janel Lyman said...

Hi Bekki!! I always think of John on April Fools Day, what a fun day to have a he's old. 40, already, can't be possible :) I'm so excited that I've found your blog (via facebook, gotta love it). I cannot believe how big your kids are. Colten's really 14...almost 15? Crazy, I still remember him as a little baby. We miss you guys! Wish you lived closer, but we've got facebook and blogs to keep us all up to date :)
Love you guys!!